Title: On My Team Author: nutmeg610 Rating: PG - 13 Fandom: Firefly Pairing/Characters: Jayne/River, Inara, Mal, Zoe Prompt: #10 Perfume, from my tableDisclaimer: I don't own the characters, Joss Whedon does, so don't sue
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Title: In It to Win Author: nutmeg610 Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: pre-River/Jayne Prompt: #19 Game, from my table Disclaimer: The show and movie? Not mine. Summary: Jayne and River enter a contest to win a prize for the crew. But what do they have to do to win?
Title: Reflection Author: nutmeg610 Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: River/Jayne Prompt: #40 Cold, from my table Disclaimer: Firefly and its characters ain't mine, dong maSummary: Jayne reflects on his life and future on a special day
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Title: Sense Author: nutmeg610 Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: River/Jayne Prompt: #27 Awake, from my table Disclaimer: The show and movie? Not mine. Summary: Her mind was fractured, filled with spiderwebs and equations and blood and empty space where an amygdala should be.
Title: Bedside Manner Author: nutmeg610 Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: pre-River/Jayne Prompt: #14 Sick, from my table Disclaimer: Firefly ain't mine, dong ma? Summary: While separated from Mal and Zoe on a job, River takes care of a very sick Jayne.
Title: Spellin' Bee Author: nutmeg610 Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: River/Jayne Prompt: #11 Work, from my table Spoilers: none Word Count: 715 Summary: River believes Jayne should be able to spell words correctly.
Title: All Yours Author: nutmeg610 Rating: PG Fandom: Firefly Pairing: pre-River/Jayne Prompt: #38, Naked, from my table Spoilers: none Word Count: 469 Summary: I think it's better as a surprise, don't you? Notes: Just a little ficlet I thought up while in the shower. It's where all the best inspiration hits!
Title: Worthy Author: nutmeg610 Rating: R Fandom: Firefly Pairing(s): River/Jayne Prompt: “I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle. As a child I was taught what was right, but I was not taught to correct my temper. I was given good principles, but left to follow them in pride and conceit…By you, I was properly
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